Day By Day

Live In The Moment

3 min readMar 2, 2024
Photo by Bálint Szabó on Unsplash

We are an exceptional primate. Being able to pose the inquiries that just appear to let us feeling be and deserted on this turning rock. It appears to be a horrible joke. We battle for importance and when we can’t find it we create our own. Who could fault us? I’ve grappled with the “enormous” inquiries for a significant part of my life. Never finding fulfillment with the responses others have thought of. I wonder about their evident certainty. In some cases I become anxious with the strict sorts, or even furious.

My cerebrum doesn’t permit me to accept things without any doubt. I’m not constructed that way. I’m an examiner, a doubter, a searcher and a spectator. I need replies, however I never get them. I need rationale, yet all at once it’s subtle. I’m basically seen as caring about. Needing answers nobody is by all accounts ready to give can give you a feeling that you are incapacitated by vulnerability, or frozen, maybe. This frozen state is awful quality of life. I glance around and find myself desirous of the ones who appear to be content with the unexplored world. The ones that appear to skirt through the minutes without a consideration joyfully.

Is it true that they are genuine? Or on the other hand is this a shroud concealing what Thoreau called lives of calm distress? Simply one more inquiry I can’t respond to. So this is our…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!