Deep Skin

Right Through Me

3 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Thiago Rebouças on Unsplash

Life is not a destination but rather a journey. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, some of which I’ve taken responsibility for and others that I still own because of inherited patterns and routines. Nobody is awesome. So for what reason does it hurt such a great amount to concede our missteps? “A shrewd man commits an error, gains from it, and at no point ever commits that error in the future.” A moronic Man commits an error and faults others for it.

A wise man makes a mistake but learns from it and is proud of it. Committing an error isn’t equivalent to “falling flat.” While a mistake typically results from the wrong action, failure is the result of the wrong action. Therefore, whereas you can only learn from a failure, you can learn from a mistake and correct it. Until you take responsibility for your mistakes, you will never learn anything. Possessing them isn’t simple since you must tell the truth, hold up your hands and acknowledge you were off-base, once in a while to individuals you are apprehensive you will free simultaneously.

Although this is a charming cliche, how often do we put it into practice? Encouraging a slip-up doesn’t yet in the event that you don’t confront what is happening, it will deteriorate. For instance, it will be difficult for you to ever move past your mistakes if you continue to criticize yourself. You might…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!