Don’t Believe


2 min readJul 10, 2024
Photo by Yehor Milohrodskyi on Unsplash

We trusted our parents, relatives, and even our teachers wholeheartedly when we were still very young, naive, helpless, and vulnerable. We didn’t know better at the time, so it’s not our fault because we believed everything they said and saw everything they said as information more accurate than the morning sun. I can recall my teachers telling me not to blow on my pencil sharpener or it would stop working. I believed them wholeheartedly and never did. I also trusted my mother when she advised me not to eat near the door or I would stop growing tall, and I never ate near the door.

Now that we are grown-ups we recall those stuffs and think how senseless and one-sided they were! Some of us grew up hearing things like, “The world is full of evil people; men are all sex parasites; women are only for child bearing; men are to work their asses off daily.” Get hitched 24 and have children 25. Despite the lack of actual evidence, we have held all of these ideas as true. See today that your folks are people not more astute than you are and they all have their feelings of trepidation and questions very much as you do and at times they project those instabilities to you out of dread . No, they don’t do it out of resentment! It is done with love so that you won’t have to deal with problems in your life.

In any case, the arrangement is torment, misfortunes , disappointments these are the spines of our daily routines and agony changes lives . Last thoughts: People you put your faith in aren’t gods; they still make mistakes and frequently give advice based on their fears. Reexamine your life right now, and choose wise counsel over silly ones with no actual evidence. I appreciate you reading.




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!