Forget You


3 min readJun 15, 2024
Photo by Darren Lawrence on Unsplash

Hello once more! I’m going to start my piece with a little rant, zoning out and trying to get through it slowly. Nearly 12 months. Yeah! Before I knew reality, I used to treasure the recollections of somebody with affection. However, I have recently been shown a fact that makes me feel weak and that I wish I had never known. It turned out that this person from my past, whom I had high regard for, was quite the opposite. I realize I want to get back — back to myself. Isn’t that just how it is?

We’ll be brought to our knees by life. With beauty, sometimes with pain, and sometimes both at once. It will break through the barriers we have carefully constructed and weaken our defenses, allowing us to love more deeply than we could have ever imagined. Wonders will be concealed in the most customary minutes — a dawn, a youngster’s chuckling, calm figuring out in a companion’s eyes. A large number of us definitely realize that aggravation bases are likewise profound instructors. It will reveal flaws we were unaware of and break our hearts to the point of breaking. This destruction is not destruction; rather, layers must be removed. Light enters through the gaps.

Agony will show us that the strength we look for lies not in outer strongholds, but rather in the versatility of our spirit. It will slowly and painfully teach us that what we’re looking for is within rather than…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!