Mardi Gra

False Identity

3 min readJun 13, 2024
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

Imagine yourself as an onion with many layers that must be removed repeatedly to reveal the true essence of who you are. The process of peeling back each layer is a painful but liberating one that helps you become your truest self psychologically. We as a whole wear shroud, social veils, bogus wrappings that cover the persona we make for self-insurance. We spend our lives from birth covering who we truly are with numerous jobs and others, rules, never aware of the basic should act naturally.

The social mask you put on to blend in with society is called the persona. The pull of conformity causes you to identify most strongly with the social values of the masses, rejecting personality traits that clash, and this begins very early in your life. The main problem with this unavoidable issue in life is that many people eventually believe they are the social mask they wear.

They are preventing themselves from ever establishing a connection with the psyche, or the deeper spheres of identity, by doing this. We remain ensnared in the gloom of pretense as a result of these layers and social masks, which only capture a small portion of the individual’s total personality. The spot we will head out to on this excursion of self-acknowledgment. The unknowable, frequently unrealized world within.




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!