No Mas

Fly Away

3 min read4 days ago
Photo by Thiago Rebouças on Unsplash

Recently, I’ve seen that I don’t feel as beautiful as I used to. This feeling has slowly crept up on me and now appears to overshadow my day-to-day activities. I seldom take pictures of myself any longer. I used to enjoy taking selfies and posting them to social media, but now I avoid the camera. Each time I see my appearance, all I can zero in on are the blemishes. My self-assurance seems to have vanished.

At the point when I search in the mirror, I see each defect amplified. I’m convinced that other people must also view me in the same way because my mind is obsessed with every tiniest detail. I’ve seen how my body is bigger than different young ladies my age. I’ve seen the skin inflammation all over. I’ve seen my wavy and chaotic hair. However, these thoughts do not seem to stick when I try to remind myself that everyone has flaws and that they do not define our worth. All things considered, the mirror reflects back at me an individual I battle to perceive and acknowledge.

Praises have turned into a wellspring of inconvenience for me. My initial reaction is disbelief whenever someone compliments my appearance. I wonder if they’re just being polite and question their sincerity. It’s hard to say “bless your heart” and inspirational about it basically. It’s hard to believe that someone really likes me. I frequently experience feelings of inadequacy. People run away…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!