Not Who I Used To Be

My Turn

2 min readMar 1, 2024

Habits. Self-love.

Photo by VENUS MAJOR on Unsplash

Those are my two words for 2024. I concocted propensities some time back, yet I needed another, more otherworldly one. At the point when I was enlightening my specialist, she recommended self esteem. I concurred. Self esteem is something I want to chip away at. For quite a while, confidence wasn’t something I even considered. I’d contend that I essentially detested myself, as a matter of fact. It sounds cruel, however ask any individual with sorrow, and they’ll get it.

Throughout recent years, I’d say that my self-loathing has essentially dispersed, and I’m more in a self-like zone now. I certainly don’t despise myself any longer, yet not at the self esteem level I might want to be at. Furthermore, the intriguing thing is that self esteem comes from positive routines. In any case, that disclosure wasn’t promptly obvious to me. At the point when I picked propensities, I was feeling overpowered. I had encountered serious burnout in the primary portion of 2023, so I needed to keep away from that once more. I likewise had a great deal of thoughts for my business and emotional wellness support work, yet I really wanted greater responsibility. I realize that propensities are a tremendous piece of decreasing overpower and being responsible.




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!