Other’s Happiness

Focus On You

6 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Dushawn Jovic on Unsplash

You are unhappy because you spend too much time on your phone looking at the vast social media landscape, stalking strangers, and feeling resentful because you can’t compete. No matter what you do, spend, or imagine, you will never be someone else or live their lives. Your life is only yours and only yours. Assuming you ache for longing for satisfaction in light of envisioning one day you will end up being the individual you are begrudging or following, awaken and remember, you will constantly feel frustrated.

If you have high expectations based on something you’ve imagined, but the imagined thing doesn’t happen because it can’t, you’re giving your subconscious mind all the wrong information and feeling. For instance. On an app for dating, you meet a stranger. The person looks great, sounds great, is precisely exact thing you have envisioned you are searching for and is a potential relationship soul mate. You talk for a long time online and then over the phone.

Before you’ve even met, you exchange pictures, make plans, and flirt, and a week later, you imagine living happily ever after. Like a computer, your subconscious mind stores information and cannot determine whether it is correct or incorrect when you give it to it. The 95% of brain activity that goes on without your conscious awareness is responsible for the majority of our…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!