Over The price

The Wants Vs. Needs

2 min readAug 28, 2024
Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

Chasing bliss and satisfaction, an inquiry that frequently emerges is whether our contemplations and activities are driven more by our needs or our necessities. Are we truly content with our lives when we pursue our desires, or does meeting our needs provide a deeper sense of contentment?

The conflict between our wants and needs is at the heart of our decision-making process. External influences like social norms, peer pressure, and the media frequently shape our desires. These desires may be brief, constantly shifting, or even superficial at times. Then again, our necessities are the essential prerequisites for our endurance and prosperity, like food, sanctuary, security, and having a place. In the present consumerist society, we are besieged with messages letting us know that our bliss is straightforwardly attached to the things we own and the encounters we have.

The deception of needing persuades us that we really want the most recent devices, the trendiest garments, and the most Instagram-commendable get-aways to feel fulfilled. However, we frequently experience feelings of emptyness and unfulfillment as a result of our constant search for external validation.

The Importance of Satisfying Our Needs On the other hand, we can access a more profound sense of contentment and satisfaction when we concentrate…




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