

2 min readAug 23, 2024
Photo by Sergio Kian on Unsplash

Even if it’s only a small step forward, it’s still progress. Even though you’re mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally exhausted, did you go to school today? Have pride. Have you prepared your meals today? Have pride. Have you assisted anyone today? Be glad. Instead of throwing away food, did you feed stray animals? Have pride. Did you finish your report despite your anxiety? Have pride. Did you complete your challenging assignment on time and successfully complete it? Have pride.

We seldom give ourselves sufficient credit. We put in a lot of effort to achieve our goals, but we frequently judge ourselves too harshly. This starts a never-ending loop. We tend to dwell on our flaws and lapses rather than celebrating our small victories. Recognize your endeavors. Assume praise for attempting. Recognize your achievements. Just by being here, you have done a lot. The easily overlooked details matter.

Sometimes, we forget the road we’ve taken to get where we want to be and become impatient for what we want. It’s not easy, so remember to take a deep breath, enjoy the present, and be proud of your small victories. Even if you think your accomplishments are insignificant in comparison to theirs, celebrate them nonetheless. You might think that you aren’t good enough at what you love to do?




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!