Are We Really?

3 min readJul 12, 2024
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd and think for yourself in a world where conformity often rules. On the other hand, people who dare to be different and love who they are often find that they are more real and confident in how they live their lives. Since early on, we are educated to follow the group, to mix in, and to stick to cultural standards. Whether it’s the most stylish trend patterns, prevalent sentiments, or cultural assumptions, there is a consistent strain to adjust. While this might give a feeling of safety and having a place, it can likewise smother our inventiveness and realness.

We open ourselves up to a world of possibilities when we separate ourselves from the masses and start thinking for ourselves. We are able to question the status quo, challenge conventional wisdom, and investigate novel concepts through independent thinking. We can gain access to our individual talents and perspectives by accepting our individuality, resulting in a life that is more authentic and satisfying. At the point when we are consistent with ourselves and our convictions, we ooze a feeling of credibility that is both enabling and alluring. By being sure about our own skin and unafraid to communicate our actual selves, we rouse others to do likewise.

Legitimacy breeds certainty, and certainty, thus, breeds achievement. Obviously…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!