What About My Happiness?

Break Apart

3 min read5 days ago
Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

Some argue that self-assurance can be learned instead of being an inherent characteristic, but I’m uncertain about that. Certainly, we are able to cultivate self-confidence, courage, and inquisitiveness, yet those deeply rooted, automatic actions from our early childhood will constantly obstruct our progress. I was lucky to be born at a time when my family needed support, and I was the present that brought them joy again.

Despite the fleeting enjoyment, I felt very self-assured during those important years, which are essential for the development of one’s personality. This confidence has helped me conquer many obstacles in my life and helped me achieve success and happiness despite the difficulties. I have learned to only trust my intuition. It is crucial to recognize that confidence is different from arrogance or overconfidence. Self-confidence is fundamentally a belief in oneself and one’s abilities, which requires a realistic understanding of one’s capabilities and feeling secure in that understanding.

I know now that confidence is about truly understanding that you can manage your feelings, regardless of the challenges you may encounter. Anxiety leads to self-doubt, so you should start by recognizing every feeling, even the challenging or painful ones, instead of ignoring them. Self-assurance is often thought to be linked to…




Spina bifida survivor, college student, learn, laugh, and love. SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE!